Word Count: 77,034

Read ’em and weep boys and girls.

That’s more than 10,000 words in a single day. Hell. Like a three-quarters day. But I am done for today. I might be done for tomorrow too, we shall see.

Since December 20th I’ve been on holiday, a long break away from my work and the things that happen there. A new year is starting and I am both nervous and excited to get started. However, when the break started I told myself if all possible I’d work through the break on my book. Work on getting it to function better and read better and in general just be better.

I think I’ve done that. I think I’ve been largely successful.

I also managed to kick the habit of wasting too much of my free time on video games. Don’t get me wrong, I love video games. I’m not trying to remove them from my life, but they are great at distracting me from my goals. Sometimes that is a good thing. Sometimes I need a break.

In these two weeks I’ve only briefly played Minecraft and it was always with Brigid and only after I had met word targets.

But now that the break is over, I am planning on not pushing myself quite so hard with the writing. The lion’s share has been put to paper and no one can say that I slacked off this break. 77,000 words in 19 days. Its going to take a while to beat that!

Sláinte, bitches! And go Lions!