Category Archives: Writing

Word Count: 81,907

Again the change in the word count is rather low, but the quality of work is hopefully up. I am actually rewriting the majority of this chapter from scratch and in such a way that it essentially completely reverses the existing mood and outcome. So I can’t take as much from what’s there.

But this should be better for the story, get rid of some false drama that wasn’t terribly interesting to begin with, so the fat is trimmed and things are looking better!


Word Count: 77,034

Read ’em and weep boys and girls.

That’s more than 10,000 words in a single day. Hell. Like a three-quarters day. But I am done for today. I might be done for tomorrow too, we shall see.

Since December 20th I’ve been on holiday, a long break away from my work and the things that happen there. A new year is starting and I am both nervous and excited to get started. However, when the break started I told myself if all possible I’d work through the break on my book. Work on getting it to function better and read better and in general just be better.

I think I’ve done that. I think I’ve been largely successful.

I also managed to kick the habit of wasting too much of my free time on video games. Don’t get me wrong, I love video games. I’m not trying to remove them from my life, but they are great at distracting me from my goals. Sometimes that is a good thing. Sometimes I need a break.

In these two weeks I’ve only briefly played Minecraft and it was always with Brigid and only after I had met word targets.

But now that the break is over, I am planning on not pushing myself quite so hard with the writing. The lion’s share has been put to paper and no one can say that I slacked off this break. 77,000 words in 19 days. Its going to take a while to beat that!

Sláinte, bitches! And go Lions!

Word Count: 63,022

Much better. Good jump up. Hit a period of easy coasting and minor changes. Replaced that rough chapter again so today started with a loss of nearly 3,000 words. I like to think that the final version is the best, but we shall see.

Some rough patches ahead, so we shall see how it goes. But I am over half-way complete with my rewriting! And not a moment too soon, Monday shall see me return to the real world after an amazing few weeks to work on my book.

Slán, bitches.

Word Count: 57,168

Today did not go well.

Having trouble with some fiddly chapters and though my word count would imply I’ve written ~500 words I’m probably much closer to six or seven thousand.

It is just a lot of them are in the trash.


Word Count: 56,726

Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh!

Yes, this is a bit later that usual and it is because of New Years. Brigid and I are up and writing as 2014 ticks down to nothing. Today has been a good day for me. Lots of words put to page. Lots of work done behind the scenes.

Went through a rather weak chapter, I got something on the page hopefully ideas will come to me or my first re-readers will help find some ideas to strengthen it. Mostly it seems like wasting time. I can try to put some more meat to it, but in the end I am just adding more wasting time.

Speaking of time, I realized that my original dates in the book were wrong. It came to a miscalculation of timing. Essentially when I originally did the calculation I wrote “4 days” instead of “14 days.” Took about an hour to realize the error and figure out how I wanted to handle it.

After that was taken care of I came to two of my stronger chapters that were easier to copy full-sale. Having reworked previous chapters it was rather easy to pin-point any issues and correct them in these two. Character are a bit more consistent.

So that is where I am left right now. I am considering relooking over the weak chapter before I move on with that specific plot, but as of now something is on the page so good enough.

Slán abhaile!

Word Count: 50,635


Wrapping up early tonight. These last few days have seen some great numbers being made and I’m very pleased with that. Today’s numbers are definitely short of yesterday’s but that is okay. There was significantly more new material for today. Went through the first half of a bumpy scene and am currently redoing another meandering scene to give it a bit of meaning and purpose.

That means taking significant steps away from what’s already on the page or knowing how to repurpose it, which takes a bit more time.

I also have a dishwasher to fight with, so there is that as well.

At this rate I’m hoping to wrap up the rewrite and get it out to the first readers again in February. That’s my hope anyway. I still have a few days left on my break so I got to use it as best as I can.

Anyway, I am getting sleepy. Might have some coffee or whiskey or both.

Sláinte, bitches!