Category Archives: Writing

Word Count: 7,539

Brigid and I had some shopping to do today so we could completely avoid going within five miles of a grocery store as Christmas approaches. Currently the planned holiday meal at the Kendall residence is “frozen pizza” but that might change depending on several variables.

Got to make this quick, Brigid is sleepy from a long day at work. Most of tonight’s work from from scratch as I tried to clean up some rough spots and get it to flow. Chapter One is complete though, so my main goal has been accomplished.

Tomorrow I really hope to get through all of Chapter Two, but I have a feeling that it’ll take two days or more.

Chapter One really was a beast, though. I hadn’t noticed before. I tried splitting it into two chapters, but it still read as one chapter to me so I removed the header and so you all are stuck with one hell of a first chapter.

Hope it doesn’t suck.


Word Count: 6,413

The climb upwards and onwards continues.

Again, today’s work was a mix of re-purposing old text and creating some new text all together. So don’t think I actually wrote over 3,500 words between getting home from work and now.

Luckily tomorrow is my last day of work for quite a while. It means a lot of time to write and catch back up to where I was. I am hoping to get about a chapter a day. I’m still in Chapter One right now, but it is a rather long chapter. It doesn’t have much left, but it does have a lot.

I am considering splitting it up. Not terribly fond of that idea, but it isn’t something I’d say “no” to if pushed or given a strong reason to do it, but right now it is remaining one chapter.

So far I am very pleased with progress. I think my character has been given a much more recognizable voice and a much stronger definition as a character.

Oíche mhaith!

Word Count: 2,791

A good chunk is brand new, but a good chunk is recycled. Prologue is done and I’ve made decent headway into chapter one, which is one of the longest chapters if I am remembering correctly. Hope is to wrap that up tomorrow at the latest.

Slán, bitches.


So I went through all of my third first reader’s notes yesterday.

It took about eight hours give or take. I ate dinner at my desk to save time and had a couple cups of coffee to power through it.

Tonight I am going to drink Guinness, play minecraft, and have one more day above the roses before tomorrow I do something drastic.

Tomorrow I roll the counter back from 109,000 to 0. And I start again.

Well, perhaps I am being a bit dramatic. I am not starting from scratch or anything. But the changes have to be drastic. 13 chapters require complete rewrites, 3 of those require such drastic changes that there is literally nothing of value in the words I have on the page other than a reminder to myself on how not to do it. Nearly all the rest require pretty heavy modification but can at least pull from the existing text.

So tomorrow, book 1 goes back to “0” and we try again. Lessons learned. But by the end of tomorrow, expect that number to be high. And expect it to grow pretty quick.

I’ll be back around 110,000 before you know it.

Actually, this is a great opportunity for some drastic changes. At least one whole character is being axed completely. I’m rather glad to see him go, to be honest. Character voices and dialogue can be overhauled for both consistency but also dialect, something I’ve wanted to add for quite a while.

I’m excited. This break is going to be busy. This month is going to be busy. But it’ll get done. And it’ll be better for the effort.

Tonight, though, tonight I enjoy a little bit of stupid fun before I go back to the hard work.

Where I am in Publishing

I don’t talk much about writing here event though the initial purpose of this site was to showcase my writing. I have another DCFC post planned, but I just got my biweekly soccer-related boost in views so I should save it for a little bit.

Bin a bit of a hit-n-miss few days. Windshield is cracked from a rock strike. Of course it isn’t covered by the warranty so it is up to me to fix it. It won’t cost more than $200 but still. For fuck’s sake.

So right now I have two books in various states of completion. Sun-King, book 1 in my still-unnamed series, is in the hands of its last first reader. My hope is to get it back during the Holiday Break and do all editing then. Originally it was supposed to publish in time for ConFusion in Detroit. I was going to try to get on a few panels and do what I do best – talk until people either hate or love me. With no book, that is not happening.

But the time-line is pretty much solidified. By January have editing complete. Get it to a copy editor. By March have those edits and formatting completed. Internal formatting includes having the map completed. In March I’ll order my proofs and ensure everything looks good.

I actually have cover art. We’ll see how the printing handles that. I can always work with my wife to whip something else up if all else fails.

That means I hope to be published before DCFC hits the field in May and my attentions are moved elsewhere.

Meanwhile, book two (Yew-Throne) is sitting and resting while I try to recharge my batteries. I was consistently hitting about 2-3k words per week for a while but half-way through November I tripped up and have since put it to the side. I am hoping for a late 2015/early 2016 publishing time frame.

I’m hoping to get some wind in my sails and get going with that again. I am at about 45k words aim to finish around 110-120k. I have the next chapter or two in my head, but the transition is keeping up at night. I am one of those people who writes very linearly. I write things in order: 1-2-3. It doesn’t matter if later the order is 1-3-2, but especially with chronological things I write in order. It helps me keep facts, characters, and settings straight since my notes are rather sparse if they exist beyond an email memo at all.

So I have a plan of sorts. But as of writing it is waiting for people to get back or waiting for the creative juices to start flowing again.

Waiting waiting waiting…

The Hills Remember

Check it. I posted a one-shot story on the Paradox forums: The Hills Remember.

Please consider that I write these usually in one sitting and they represent mostly practice for me. There are likely mistakes and it likely comes to a quick end because it is nearly 9 and I haven’t eaten or showered yet.

Also, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve added my wife’s website to the top bar. Please check out her stuff. She works a lot harder than I do and deserves some love.

Sláinte, bitches.


The rut continues. I was really hoping to put this week off to good use and get a lot written. In nine day’s I’ve written like 300-ish words.

Probably going to take tonight off. Hopefully have something for the blag tomorrow (I wrote and deleted two or three posts already).



Been doing a lot of book stuff but very little involved writing. Mostly been working on my maps.

Brigid once pointed out another blog post to me where someone had written a piece on the sins of fantasy writers. One of the points made was essentially “Maps were Tolkien’s thing. You aren’t Tolkien. Ergo, don’t do Tolkien’s thing.”

I have several problems with this.

First. I love maps. So fuck you, random internet person.


Second. Their entire piece was “No one is as good as Tolkien” copy-pasted until it was slightly shorter than War and Peace, which is admittedly shallow-minded and also debatable at its core.

Third. Seriously, who died and made them king of fantasy? Fuck you random internet person who I can’t bother looking up.

Maps and fantasy go hand-in-hand. Our world has maps, why wouldn’t a fantasy world? Maps are a great window into the human condition. From racial segregation, to the pride of nations. From isolated languages, to internet traffic in every corner of the world. Maps convey history, science, sociology, greed, adventure, stupidity, and the power to unite. A map can show the lines than humans have drawn over centuries of bloodshed, or in an instant erase them completely and show us as fleas on the side of an elephant.

A map in the first few pages of a novel might have trouble showing that sort of emotion. Without an known history, a history linked to who we are, a map might fall a little flat. Someone from Poland is going to see their western border in a very different way then the border between North and South Korea. Even if they were too young to experience either of the wars that set them.

It is the job of an author to make people care about the little map at the beginning. Whether it is of a continent, or a single mountain by a lake.

But, in a more pragmatic way, a map is a great way to show scale to a reader. Without context a hike from New York to Chicago can be five miles, fifty miles, five hundred miles. We know that it is a long way to hike. But we know that through experience and from looking at it on a map.

I think that if you are going to drop enough place names – actual, proper place names like “Main Street” or “Edinburgh” or “Poland” – it is important to use a map. ‘Enough,’ of course, is the key word. Use your brain, I can’t do it for you. But if a character just walks from “home” to “the grocer” and distance isn’t important, yeah leave the map on the desk.

Hmmm, I’m think about that urban sort of setting. Can a map help?

Eh… I won’t say no. I love maps.

Just -and this is a  general complaint about naming places- put some thought into your names. I read the first book of the Codex Alera series by the well-known Jim Butcher. The map drove me crazy because I recognized several of the place names and it took me out of “fantasy” world and put me more in the mind set of “this person apparently assumes I’ve never cracked open a history book ever.”

That is definitely something I’d avoid. Given that series was based on a challenge given to him to write something based off two “lame” ideas given by someone on the internet, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if some of the place names were after-thoughts. Still. “Aquitaine” is totally a place in France. Still is. Hard to think of it in a world of magic but that is totally a personal complaint; not bashing on Mr. Butcher.

Also, to the (other) guy on the internet who thinks Pokémon and the “Lost Legion” trope are lame.


As a game Pokémon is a lot of fun. If it is “lame” because it lacks depth or complexity, I’d say you are wrong (look up competitive builds and you’ll get the depth to the engine) and also having a less linear story/game-play is great for that an RPG. Wish they’d stop trying to shoe-horn their shitty writing into it.

The lost legion trope is fun, I wish they’d stop doing it with Legio Nona Hispana, that story is played-out. Honor and soldiery tropes, there is a lot to do there and a lot of things you can do to make it unique. Plus the idea of a larger, vastly superior force being ground to paste by a smaller, native population has some great historical baggage to bring along with it.

As subtle as a brick through a store window.